Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
Do i need to be catholic to receive services?
No, you need not be Catholic to receive services. CCI provides services to all people regardless of religion, age, gender, disability, race/ethnicity, income or background.
Do you offer financial assistance of any kind (rent, utilities, etc.)
CCI has a very small budget for financial assistance. However, if you give us a call and we are not able to help you, we may be able to refer you to services that are available at other agencies. 280-345-6031
Is CCI part of the roman Catholic diocese?
Catholic Charities of Idaho is an apostolate of the Diocese of Boise, commissioned by the Bishop, to advance the Christian mandate to love and serve the poor and those in need and to promote the common good. While a ministry and service of the Diocese, it is separately incorporated and is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Bishop of Boise. CCI is a member of Catholic Charities USA.
Do i need an appointment to receive services?
- Counseling and Immigration Legal Services require an appointment for all locations.
- Social Services welcomes walk-ins in Boise, and requires appointments in Pocatello.